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Deep Ecology — Gaia’s Path to Self Realization

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The Earth as a single living system

The Gaia Hypothesis, also known as Gaia Theory or Gaia Principle, proposes that all organisms and their inorganic surroundings on Earth are closely integrated to form a single and self-regulating complex system, maintaining the conditions for life on the planet. This holistic approach emphasizes the interconnectedness of all life. The Gaia hypothesis proposes that all organisms and the inorganic elements and forces of nature are interconnected, working together like one unified big organism, Gaia.

The Earth’s atmospheric composition is kept at a dynamically steady state by the presence of life. Life is self-preserving, self-regulating and interactive. Furthermore, since life started on Earth, the energy provided by the Sun has increased by 25 to 30 percent; however, the surface temperature of the planet has remained within the levels of habitability, reaching quite regular low and high margins. Thus Mother Earth is alive, and we are a part of that life. We are the microcosm within the macrocosm.

In recent years, we witness science catching up to the spiritual wisdom. The Unified Quantum Field Theory in Physics is now saying that there is a single unified consciousness that is governing the cosmos, the multi-verses. To connect with the Source, we first need to connect with Mother Gaia. Right now, our body belongs to Her.

Reverence for Mother Earth Across Cultures

China gave us the tradition of Daoism (Tao). The Way, which Daoist Masters talk about, is simply the Mother Nature’s way of balancing the yin and the yang. The dark and the light are meant to balance each other, not to fight each other. Gaia balances the different forces of nature.

Shamanism, the oldest of all belief systems, finds inspiration in the Nature and in her perfection. The Shamanic wisdom of ancient indigenous cultures identifies Truth that resonates with all sentient beings through reverence of Nature. We are the Nature.

Hinduism, too, has a rich spiritual heritage rooted in the concept of Nature. One notable example is that of Lord Dattatreya who acquired his wisdom from 24 gurus, including Earth, Water, Air, Fire and Sky, Moon, Sun, Pigeon, Python, Ocean, Moth, Bee, Honey-gatherer, Elephant, Deer, Fish, Courtesan, Hawk, Child, Maiden, Serpent, Arrow-smith, Spider and the Caterpillar. Nature offers so many deep teachings.

Practical Ideas: Applying Gaya Theory in Everyday Life

Spend time in your own natural place, in your own garden. You do not always have to have access to a big park or forest area. It is enough to have a corner in your room by the window, where you can take care of your plants, and from where you can see the sky, the sun and the moon.

Sometimes, when you have a chance to travel, you can go for a hike in the mountains, or visit pilgrimage sites in remote forest areas. This is known as nature bathing: just being present, with senses open.

You can also bring your spiritual practices (yoga, meditation, Qigong etc.) closer to Nature, in the forest, next to running water (waterfalls, rivers) and where you can feel the wind. Let us remind ourselves that, with the Nature’s blessings, Buddha got enlightened while sitting under a tree.

Ecosophy Practice: Deep Experiences, Deep Questioning and Deep Commitment

Within the global Gaia Movement, people took the underlining principles of the Gaya Hypothesis and applied them to their lifestyle. The three pillars of the Ecosophy Practice are: Deep Experiences, Deep Questioning and Deep Commitment.

When you go outdoors, connect with the Nature and experience her deeply. Listen to the sounds of the leaves, the crumbling of the rocks under your feet, look as the water flows. Observe the interconnectedness in Nature. This is what Deep Experiences encompasses.

The next step is Deep Questioning. You need to start enquiring, asking yourself questions: Why is the world like this? Is my life in harmony with Nature? Is my work in harmony with my beliefs? Are my relationships in harmony? Nature teaches us a lot of lessons, and thus by observing Nature we can also receive answers to our questions.

Lastly, one needs to show Deep Commitment. Once you receive answers and guidance from the Nature and from within, you must remain committed to that Truth and live in harmony. You need to start applying those principles in your own life.

A Different Path to Spirituality

Seeking spiritual truth does not have to be done in isolation; we do not have to become hermits secluded in the mountains. In times like this, when major changes are happening and so many people are looking for the Truth, we just have to start connecting with people, we have to start sharing and collaborating. That way we can pursue the greater purpose of bringing awakening to the world. We can help people see a different way of living, a higher Truth beyond the material truth we have all been conditioned to believe in. Green conferences and sustainability platforms, for example, also give us a great opportunity to spread this message.

Watch the Global Master Talk by Mr. Stevenson Tan here:

Mr. Stevenson Tan is a regenerative farming advocate, spiritual seeker and a light Worker, living in China. He is studying various spiritual disciplines and modalities including Qigong, classic Yoga and Shamanism, and various other esoteric teachings.

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