Can money and spirituality go hand-in-hand? Why is it that so many people associate the meditator, the mystic and the very pursuit of truth with austerity and material renunciation? What is prosperity consciousness, and what stands in the way of manifesting financial abundance? It is time to tackle these questions and re-examine some common attitudes and beliefs that explain our relationship with money.
The Barracuda Syndrome
In 1873, the German zoologist Karl Möbius conducted a landmark experiment on fish. He placed a prey fish together with a predatory fish inside a water tank. The outcome was predictable: the predator attacked the small fish and ate it. In the second phase of the experiment, the scientist placed a glass separator between the two fish. At first, the predator tried to attack the prey, as it could see it through the glass wall. After hitting the separator multiple times, it finally gave up. The intriguing part came in the third part of the experiment, when Möbius removed the glass separator and allowed the two fish to be together again. But even though there was no obstacle to prevent the large fish from attacking the small one, the attack never happened. The predator fish retained its perception of impossibility, long after the conditions in its environment had changed; it remained in ‘its own’ half of the glass chamber, never approaching the prey. In the past century, the experiment has been reproduced, using different combinations of predator-prey fish, but the results were always the same. The implications of this experiment are so important, that its outcome became known as the “Pike Syndrome” or “Barracuda Syndrome” (both names of predatory fishes).
The Baby Elephant Syndrome
The mahouts (elephant keepers) in Kerala, India, train elephants using a simple approach - they tie a baby elephant to a small pole. Initially, the baby elephant tries to set itself free, but it lacks enough strength to either release itself from the rope or pull up the stake. Eventually, it accepts its fate and stops trying. The amazing result of this training is that, even after the elephant grows to a full size and becomes very strong, it still accepts being tied to the same small pole, convinced that it is unable to break free.
Prosperity Consciousness Vs. Poverty Consciousness
Although these examples are taken from the animal kingdom, the Barracuda Syndrome and the Baby Elephant Syndrome provide some key insights into the ways in which belief systems are formed. Faced with a few failures in life, people often conclude that they are not strong enough, smart enough or capable enough to succeed. They give up, accepting that they are victims of their circumstances and not up to the challenges they encounter in life. This feeling of being tied up and incapable of success is called poverty consciousness. It is a result of limiting thoughts and beliefs.
On the other hand, individuals who possess prosperity consciousness always see the glass as half full. They have a positive outlook about other people and situations. They have elevated thoughts and they live simply. They carry with them this positive perception wherever they go and whatever they do, aware that prosperity consciousness attracts prosperity.
The Ten Biggies of Poverty Consciousness
In the attempt to transition toward prosperity consciousness, one needs to understand the root causes of poverty consciousness, i.e. the major factors behind these limited beliefs. They are called “The 10 Biggies of Poverty Consciousness.” These are:
1. Childhood Trauma
Childhood abuse creates emotional baggage. The lack of parental love becomes a stumbling block and it prevents creation of abundance. Resentment replaces the feelings of love and gratitude, blocking prosperity.
2. Past Life Frozen Memories
The karmic dynamics plays an important role. If one has lived in poverty for many lifetimes, they have come to a belief that money will not come to them easily. Through past life regression, one can recognize past life memories and reframe them.
3. Religious and Spiritual Conditioning
No religion explicitly states that money is bad or evil; instead, it is said that self-realization (rather than money) should be one’s primary focus. Many on the spiritual path have a misbelief that money will hamper their spiritual growth. However, a middle path is the right path.
4. Trans-Generational Beliefs and Generational Patterns
Poverty consciousness often runs in the family as a hereditary pattern. Dr. Bruce Lipton described the following epigenetic phenomenon: When you change your thoughts and beliefs, you change your family tree history. You re-frame your genetic coding, and your genetic material is going to be changing in the quantum space in this very moment.
5. Limiting Beliefs and Thoughts About Money
We have often been told that money does not grow on the trees, that we need to save for the rainy days, and that there is no plenty for everyone. These are indoctrinated beliefs. Money is never the problem - your thoughts are. By reframing your thoughts, beliefs and emotional energies, you can see something different. Question your beliefs.
6. Self Sabotaging Program
We create our own reality with our thoughts, perceptions, attitudes, beliefs, feelings, emotional energies, behaviors and words. All these things create our own reality. Our negative, destructive, catastrophic thoughts sabotage our reality.
7. Lack of Self Worth
Feelings of inferiority are a big obstacle. We are all made of same stuff, God-stuff. Patriji says we have forgotten that we are all Gods, en-clothed in flash bodies. You are the magician of your life, you are the magic.
8. Attention Placed on Lack and Poverty
The more we focus our attention on lack and poverty, the more we create it.
9. Guilt and Self Punishment
Often we carry guilt and regrets from the past. But the past is already gone. Guilt serves no purpose; guilt can and should be transformed into passion. Then it is possible to align with the life, and to do something good with one’s life.
10. Fear Energy
Toxic emotional energy (sadness, depression, fear) creates poverty consciousness. Even in this time of the global pandemic, if we become aware of our own inner being, we can tap into our inner potential. Even in moments of crisis, if we turn around everything and see great opportunities, we can create something new.
The Global Master Talk by Dr. Newton Kondaveti can be viewed at:
Dr. Newton Kondaveti is a new-age master, a spiritual scientist, and a pioneer is past life regression therapy in India. He is the founder and Chairman of the Quantum Life University.